Cyber crime, also called computer crime is the use of a computer as an instrument to further illegal ends, such as committing fraud, intellectual property,stealing identities or violating privacy. Cyber crime, especially through the internet, has grown in importance as the computer has become central to commerce,entertainment and government. There are many cyber crime. They are:

Software piracy



Data diddling

Identify theft


Computer viruses

To control all of these cyber crime government of Nepal has established cyber law. Cyber laws

can be define as those laws which are made for stopping cyber crime and using the computer

and computer network without harming the individual or institute.This law is important to

manage the sending and receiving of information,use of computer and computer network and

protection of computer related properties such as software, data and hardware.Cyber law is

important to govern the proper use of computer without harming individual and institution.It

contains a strong provision of punishment against cyber crimes according to the nature of the

crime.As per the provisions of law,the government is fully authorized to punish cyber criminals-

both an individual or institution with imprisonment and fine.

Computer Ethics

Computer ethics deals with the procedures,values and practices that govern the process of

consuming computing technology and its related disciplines without damaging or violating the

moral values and beliefs of any individual, organization or entity. Com-puter ethics is a concept

in ethics that addresses the ethics is a concept in ethics that addresses the ethical issues and

constrains that arise from the use of computers,and how they can be mitigate or prevented.We

can also define computer ethics as the set of moral principle that guides the proper use of

computer, computer network and other communication media.

The computer ethics institute in Washington DC,has proposed the ten commands of computer

ethics. They are:

Do not use a computer to harm others.

Do not interfere with other peoples computer work.

Do not copy or use proprietary software for which you have not paid.

Do not snoop around in other people's computer files.

Do not use a computer to steal.

Always think about the social consequences of the program you are writing or the system you are designing. 

Always use a computer in ways that demonstrate consideration and respect for your fellow humans.

If we follow these ethics of computer then no one will commit cyber crime. No one will be criminals. Everyone will know how to use a computer in a proper way. If they follow these ethics there will be peace everywhere and everyone can live a happy life.





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